A brand new creative hub for 16-25 year olds based in the North West, giving access to a host of fun, creative programmes to help cure the lockdown boredom!
Reimagine, Remake, Replay has teamed up with the Understanding the Decade of Commemorations project for a series of digital badge accredited programmes, delivered online by expert facilitators, which include:
- Zine Making
- Comic Book Making
- Stop-Motion Animation
- Creative Writing
- 3D Modelling
- + More!
Through Creative Connections NW, participants will creatively capture the unique period of history we find ourselves living in. Just as we are fascinated by the stories of people who lived through the events of 100 years ago that brought such change to the island of Ireland, 100 years from now, people will be fascinated by the stories of people who lived through this global pandemic.
How will it work?
- An online community hosted through Slack will bring participants together for programmes delivered by expert facilitators, curators and artists
- Pick and choose which programmes you want to take part in
- When you complete a programme, a Nerve Centre digital badge will be awarded to showcase your work and skills gained
- Online workshops will take place over video call with catch-up and development sessions in Slack. Each session will also be recorded and available to view in the Slack channel afterwards.
All programmes are FREE and open to anyone aged 16-25 based in Derry City & Strabane District Council and County Donegal. No experience required but spaces are limited.
The Understanding the Decade of Commemorations project is supported by the European Union’s PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).