A unique workshop looking at the art of collage and how turning an image of one thing into another can be an act of protest.
Ulster Museum, Curator of Art, Anna Liesching leads this one-off workshop which explores how collage has been used as a political tool by artists for hundreds of years. As part of the workshop you’ll get the opportunity to cut up paintings* from the Ulster Museum collection and paste them into your own radical artwork.
*These may be photocopies…we can’t actually let you cut up the paintings.
Copies of museum collection images will be posted out to participants. Or if preferred can be emailed to be printed at home. Workshop takes place 17th Jun at 2pm.
(Featured image: Detail from Riots (June 3rd – June 8th, 1947) (2019) Troy Michie BELUM.U2020.2 ©Troy Michie)